Colostomy Procedure

Colostomy Procedure

A colostomy is the surgery of the colon (large intestine), it creates an opening or hole, in the lower part of the abdomen. The stoma opening has designed to collect the excretion of the body. All the waste collects in a sack, called stoma pouch or bag. A colostomy operation has two main kinds, called permanent colostomy and a temporary colostomy. For colon cancer and bowel removal, there is a permanent colostomy, while if a person has a minor injury in the colon, bowel cut during birth, or any other disease in the large intestine, then the solution is a temporary colostomy.

After the colostomy surgery, a patient discharges solid waste through the stoma. Surgeons connect the remaining part of the colon to the opening in the abdomen. Ostomate will collect the feces in the ostomy bag, the patient has to empty, clean, and change it. When a person feels that the sack is one-third full, he/she should empty it right away to avoid leakage. The leakage of the waste can damage the peristomal skin (the skin around the stoma opening). An ostomate should take care of the stoma and skin around it. This is one of the most sensitive parts after the colostomy operation.

Why a Patient Needs Colostomy Operation?

Colostomy operation has several reasons. As I mentioned above that when there is a defect or injury in the colon or bowel gets removed surgically, then a patient needs colostomy. However, some other reasons are a problem in the colon during giving birth, when colon gets blocked due to an injury or birth, due to imperforate anus, severe infection in the large intestine, inflammation in the bowel, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), injury or infection in the rectum, or due to rectal cancer.

Digestive System After the Colostomy Surgery

Many ostomates think that the digestive system is going to change after the colostomy surgery. Well, this is a rumor. The truth is, nothing is going to alter after this operation. Your stomach and intestines will work like before. Only the pathway of discharging the solid waste will change. Before this surgery, a person excretes the feces through the anus; however, after the colostomy, a patient will poop through the stoma. And, the waste will collect in a bag, called ostomy pouch. All other processes will remain the same. A patient will eat food, chew it through the teeth, after that the minced food will go to the stomach. The stomach will perform its action and send the food to the small intestine. It will absorb all the necessary nutrients from the meal, then the waste will send to the large intestine for excretion. It will save the waste until the next movement of the bowel. Finally, when the bowel starts its movement, the feces or waste will come out through the stoma.

Risks After the Colostomy Surgery

Well, the colostomy procedure does not involve any risk. It is an uncomplicated surgery. It can be an open surgery or laparoscopically. But, after the operation, a patient may feel the following problems:

Bleeding from the stoma, internal organ damage, infection in the stoma, infection in intestine, damaged tissues, intestinal blockage, developing of hernia disease.

Care After the Colostomy Surgery

A patient will take all the necessary guidance regarding the surgery and care from the doctor and nurse. Therefore, an ostomate should learn how to empty, change, clean, and wash the pouch, stoma, and peristomal skin. In the hospital, you will learn all these things, but once you are home, you will have to do each thing on your own.

Therefore, the first and foremost thing is to learn to wear, clean, empty, and change the stoma bag and appliances. Moreover, you should take care of your diet to prevent frequent and liquid discharge in the form of loose motion or constipation.

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